When your session has frozen, this is normally just Google Chrome freezing. You can tell that Google Chrome has frozen because clicking around google should do nothing and usually, your mouse cursor should look like it's loading.
Force Google Chrome To Restart
If you're not using Google Chrome as your browser, please make sure you switch to using Google Chrome for Mable. If you don't have it installed, click here for our guide for installing it. If you're unsure how to force restart Google Chrome, click here to go to our force-quit Google Chrome guide.
Restart Your Computer
If force quitting Google Chrome does not solve your issue, first try restarting your computer. If you're unsure how to do this click here for instructions on how to do this. If you're unable to restart your computer because nothing on your computer is working this will be because your computer has frozen. This will require a force-restart of your computer. To do this hold the on/off switch on your computer for a few seconds, until your computer screen turns off. Start your computer back up again, open up Google Chrome, log in to Mable, and try re-joining your session using the join button on your homepage.