Webcam Setup

For your webcam you can either use a webcam that is built into your computer or tablet ( if it has one ), or you can use one that you plug into your computer using a USB Plug.

Built in Webcam

If your computer or tablet has a webcam built in, this should not require any setup.  

Plug-in Webcam

If you have a webcam that you can plug into your computer, simply plug your webcam into one of your computer's USB sockets - this should be enough, most modern USB camera are plug & play

Test Webcam

Once you have selected your webcam from the list, you should be able to see a camera preview below the camera options. If you are unable to see a camera preview, click here to run through our troubleshooting guide.

If you have run through these steps and you're still having issues, please contact our tech team via email - or phone - 0800 024 8646.