If you still can't see or hear your therapist after running through the steps below, please call the Mable team so we can resolve this issue as soon as possible!
Try refreshing google chrome by pressing ‘ctrl’ + ‘r’ on your keyboard at the same time, or if on an Apple computer ‘cmd’ + ‘r’.
Try leaving the therapy session by opening your menu in the top right corner and selecting 'Leave Session'. This will ask you if you want to exit the session, press okay and it will take you to your Mable homepage. Now rejoin the session using the ‘join session’ button on your homepage. The technology test you have to complete before entering into the session will give you a good idea of if it’s your internet connection that is causing the issues.
Try changing your microphone, or camera. You can do this by opening the menu which is in the top right corner of your Mable session and selecting 'Device Settings'.
Try refreshing Google Chrome by pressing 'ctrl' + 'r' on your keyboard at the same time, or if on an Apple computer 'cmd' + 'r'.
Try leaving the therapy session by opening your menu in the top right corner and selecting 'Leave Session'. This will ask you if you want to exit the session, press okay and it will take you to your Mable homepage. Now rejoin the session using the ‘join session’ button on your homepage. Whilst doing the tech test check that you can see yourself in the camera preview and the microphone volume indicator moves up and down when you make noise into your microphone. If you can’t see yourself in your camera preview window click here and follow our webcam troubleshooting guide. If the microphone volume indicator is not moving, click here and follow our microphone troubleshooting guide.
The therapist can hear me but can't see me :
If using a plug-in camera, make sure that your camera is plugged into your computer correctly.
Try switching your camera. You can do this by opening the menu which is in the top right corner of your Mable session, selecting 'Device Settings', and then open the 'Video' tab.
Try refreshing google chrome by pressing 'ctrl' + 'r' on your keyboard at the same time, or if on an Apple Macintosh 'cmd' + 'r'.
Try leaving the therapy session by opening your menu in the top right corner and selecting 'Leave Session'. This will ask you if you want to exit the session, press okay and it will take you to your Mable homepage. Now rejoin the session using the ‘join session’ button on your homepage. When you get to the step when you check your camera, make sure you can see yourself in the camera preview box. If not, click here to follow our webcam troubleshooting guide.
Make sure that your microphone is plugged into your computer correctly.
Check that your microphone is not muted. If you are using a headset microphone or one that plugs into your computer, this may have its own separate volume control and mute button.
Try switching the microphone. You can do this by opening the menu which is in the top right corner of your Mable session, selecting 'Device Settings', and then open the 'Audio' tab.
Try refreshing google chrome by pressing 'ctrl' + 'r' on your keyboard at the same time, or if on an Apple Macintosh 'cmd' + 'r'.
Try leaving the therapy session using the red cross in the top right corner inside the session. This will ask you if you want to exit the session, press okay and it will take you to your Mable homepage. Now rejoin the session using the ‘join session’ button on your homepage. When you get to the step when you select a microphone, check the microphone volume indicator moves when you make noise. If not, click here and follow our microphone troubleshooting guide.